What is a UFO,do UFO really come from another world in flying vehicles?

What is a UFO, do beings really come from another world in flying vehicles

What is the meaning of UFO, or unidentified flying object? Is there really any existence of UFOs? These are the questions that have been lingering in the human mind for years, and even today, people are eager to know their answers. It is said that beings from another world, much like Earth, come to our planet Earth. Their vehicles are visible, and then they vanish before our eyes. There are many claimants to such occurrences. People explore discussions about aliens and UFOs, making claims about their existence. You must have seen such events depicted in Hollywood films.

In today’s article, we will conduct an in-depth study about UFOs and explore whether there is indeed an object like an unidentified flying object (UFO). Do they truly appear to people? Additionally, we will delve into information related to investigations initiated regarding UFOs. So, let’s enter this mysterious world and gather comprehensive information.

The term UFO stands for ‘Unidentified Flying Object,’ meaning an airborne object whose identity is unknown. In appearance, it is often described as resembling a disc or saucer. Claims of sighting UFOs have been made by thousands of people, but conclusive evidence supporting these claims is yet to be found. Until today, scientists have not found solid proof of the existence of UFOs. The highest number of claims of witnessing UFOs comes from the United States, to the extent that even former U.S. President Barack Obama has claimed to have seen a UFO.

Events of UFO Sightings

Looking at history, it is evident that humans have always been interested in celestial phenomena. Historical records document many events featuring extraordinary occurrences such as comets, bright meteors, atmospheric optical phenomena like sun dogs and lenticular clouds, etc. One of the most famous examples is Halley’s Comet, first observed by a Chinese astronomer in 240 BCE. As it appears once every 76 years in the inner solar system, it has been documented in history as a remarkable event, sometimes mistakenly identified as a recurring occurrence.

Historical events like these were often considered supernatural, involving divine messengers and religious symbols. While some who believe in UFOs occasionally comment on similarities between certain medieval artworks and UFO sightings, there is a connection drawn with religious symbols. Here, we’ll share some events related to UFO sightings.

1. On January 25, 1878, an article was published in the Denison Daily News, reporting a farmer named John Martin who claimed to have seen a large, dark circular object resembling a big plate flying swiftly from a balloon. This event is significant as it marks the first usage of the term ‘Tashtri’ (plate) in relation to a UFO.

In the same year, in the month of April, reports of mysterious flying objects were circulated in various parts of the United States. Many individuals claimed to have communicated with the pilots of these UFOs. Over the next two decades, local newspapers continued to publish stories of unidentified aircraft and mysterious lights, culminating in a large-scale panic in 1897. Some believed that Thomas Edison, a renowned American inventor and businessman at the time, had created an artificial star capable of orbiting the country. However, Edison completely denied any involvement in such a fabrication.

2. During the Second World War, in the Pacific and European theaters, there were reports of mysterious fireballs, shining projectiles, referred to as ‘Foo Fighters,’ by Allied and Axis pilots. At that time, people started attributing this phenomenon to gratitude, St. Elmo’s fire, oxygen deprivation, secret German weapons, etc. In 1946, around 2000 reports of unidentified aerial objects were received, primarily from Scandinavian countries by the Swedish military, with separate reports from France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece. Some individuals began to label these unknown flying objects as Russian devices, speculating that they might be captured German V1 and V2 rockets undergoing Russian testing.

3. The most significant claim of UFO sightings in 1947 was made by American businessman Kenneth Arnold, creating a sensation worldwide. According to Arnold, while flying his small aircraft, he spotted nine mysterious objects flying at high speed in formation. All these unidentified objects were flying around Mount Rainier in Washington, with a speed of approximately a thousand miles per hour. They moved in a way that resembled plates skipping on water.

4. In the scorching summer of 1952, near Washington D.C.’s National Airport, there were radar and visual sightings of mysterious objects. Although the explanation provided was that this event occurred due to temperature inversions in the atmosphere, not everyone agreed with this explanation. After this, numerous reports of UFO sightings were received, reaching record heights.

investigation ufo
source: pix4free.org

Project Blue Book

After Kenneth Arnold’s claim of UFO sightings in 1947, there was an increasing number of reports of such aerial events. Seeing this surge in reports, the U.S. Air Force initiated an investigation in 1948, called Project Sign. The initial suggestions in the project were that the observed UFOs were mostly highly advanced Soviet aircraft, although some researchers believed that they might be spacecraft from another world, the so-called extraterrestrial hypothesis.

Within a year, Project Sign was replaced by Project Grudge, which eventually transitioned into the longest-running official investigation for UFOs, known as Project Blue Book, in 1952. Its headquarters were at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.

From 1952 to 1969, Project Blue Book collected reports of over 12,000 mysterious events, in which each event was eventually identified as a known astronomical, atmospheric, or man-made phenomenon. The remaining 6 percent were cases for which there was not enough information to identify them as a known event.

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Robertson Panel

In 1952, as reports of UFO sightings increased in the United States, the Central Intelligence Agency requested the establishment of a panel of scientists from the U.S. government. The government approved the formation of this panel, with physicist H.P. Robertson from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena chosen as its chairman. The panel included an astronomer, a rocket engineer, and other physical scientists. The Robertson Panel’s meeting lasted for three days in 1953, during which interviews were conducted with military officers and Project Blue Book officials. Additionally, a review of films and photographs of UFOs was undertaken.

Their conclusion was that 90 percent of the sightings were clearly related to astronomical and meteorological events. No security threat was identified from these events, and there was no evidence supporting extraterrestrial hypotheses. Parts of the panel’s report were classified until 1979, contributing to suspicions of government cover-ups over an extended period.

Condon Report

In 1966, a new committee was formed to review the most interesting material collected by Project Blue Book, at the request of the Air Force. After nearly two years of investigation, the committee produced a detailed study of 59 UFO sightings, presenting its findings as the Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, commonly known as the Condon Report. This name was derived from physicist Edward U. Condon, who chaired the investigation.

The National Academy of Sciences’ special committee reviewed the Condon Report. A total of 37 scientists contributed chapters covering the 59 UFO sightings in detail. Similar to the Robertson Panel, the committee concluded that, apart from common events, there was no evidence in the report, and there was no need to continue investigating UFOs. Following this conclusion, UFO sightings decreased, leading to the termination of Project Blue Book in 1969.

Despite the failure of extraterrestrial hypotheses, some scientists and engineers, particularly J. Allen Hynek, an astronomer at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, who had been involved in projects like Sign, Grudge, and Blue Book, assert that a small fraction of the most reliable UFO reports have provided indications of visits by extraterrestrial beings. In 1973, Hynek founded the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), which continues to investigate UFO-related events today.

The second major U.S. study of UFO sightings was the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AAIP). It was a secret project that ran from 2007 to 2012. When the existence of AATIP was made public in 2017, its latest aspect was a report claiming that the U.S. government possessed unidentified materials and compounds allegedly obtained from UFOs, but many scientists expressed skepticism about this claim.

Apart from U.S. efforts, the second official and comprehensive record of UFO sightings was maintained only in Canada, where they were sent to the Canadian National Research Council from the Canadian Department of National Defence in 1968. The Canadian record included approximately 750 cases of unidentified objects. In the U.K., Sweden, Denmark, Australia, and Greece, incomplete records were compiled. In the United States, organizations like CUFOS in Bellevue, Colorado, and the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) continue to log reported sightings from the public.

Possible Explanations for UFO Sightings

For all the reports of UFO sightings, there has been significant variability in their credibility, judged by many witnesses independently observing situations and directions. Typically, those who report sightings consider the object to be of extraterrestrial origin or possibly a military craft. This assumption is often based on the perceived characteristics of the event, such as seeing multiple objects flying together, sudden changes in speed, lack of sound, brightness and color variations, and unfamiliar shapes.

These events are often optical illusions. A shining light, such as Venus, can appear to move. Celestial objects can also be frightening to a person driving, appearing as though they are moving alongside the car. Reported UFOs’ distance and speed are often implausible, as they are based on assumed shapes, and the exact distance in an empty sky cannot be determined without a background.

Reflections from windows and eyeglasses can create a superimposed image, and complex optical systems, such as camera lenses, can alter the perceived source of light into a geometrically shaped event. Radar sightings, which are more reliable, still fail to identify artificial objects and lightning trails, ionized gases, rain, or thermal dissociation in the environment.

Extraterrestrial Hypothesis

Extraterrestrial Hypothesis
source: flickr.com

The extraterrestrial hypothesis, imagining a speculative extraterrestrial life capable of thought, is a purposeful activity. Work in new fields of astronomy has provided some evidence indicating that the development of intellectual life in the Milky Way galaxy is not entirely impossible.

That is, the development of life or intelligent life may be possible. Especially, the discovery of 4000 external solar systems and the possibility of the presence of liquid water on Mars and some moons in the outer solar system. This effort demonstrates that many worlds may exist where life or intelligent life could be generated. The search for signals like radio signals or optical flashes from other star systems also indicates that the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence has so far proven unsuccessful, but the discovery of such signals would have a vast scientific and cultural impact.


After obtaining complete information about UFOs, it becomes apparent that there are no conclusive scientific proofs related to UFOs to date, although some scientists continue their investigations in the hope of finding evidence of their existence. Therefore, making any definitive statements about the existence of UFOs is currently not possible.

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