The Best Ways To Increase Our Memory Power

The Best Ways To Increase Our Memory Power

Today in this article we will learn about “how we can increase our memory power”. Now a days in our life, where there is so much competition, everyone desires to have a sharp mind. If your mind is sharp, you will perform well in studies or be at the forefront in your work, and only then will you achieve good results. The good news is that memory power can be enhanced.

A person’s memory power depends on their brain. Thinking and doing everything is the work of the mind. You must have noticed that some people easily remember more information and quickly understand things.

You may also want to be able to do this, right? In the midst of all the busyness of life, people start forgetting things, and their minds no longer work as efficiently as before.

Our brain sends signals in a specific pattern related to an event and forms connections between our neurons, which are called synapses. So this the way to improve our memory power.

Ways to Improve Memory Power:

If you want to make your brain active, remember everything, and improve your memory power, then you need to follow some tips, and that will help improve your memory.

Don’t Stress:

The biggest reason for a loss of memory power is stress. Stress can also lead to problems in your work. Avoid anything that causes you stress or tension. Avoid being with negative people who make you feel bad. Say goodbye to negative people around you.

Mental Exercise:

To sharpen your mind, it’s essential to engage in mental exercises. Although the brain is constantly active, you can challenge it by playing puzzle games. Puzzle games challenge your mind and improve it’s fitness. Try to use your non-dominant hand for daily tasks, such as brushing your teeth or combing your hair. This has a positive effect on your brain. Start with simple tasks that you do regularly.

Read More: Ways To Live Stress-Free Life>>

Give Your Brain Energy:

Just as you provide energy to your body.You can also give energy to your brain to keep your memory sharp. Eating green vegetables can provide your brain with energy. Keep your mind fresh by reading books that expand your knowledge.

Teach Others:

To enhance your brain’s power, teach others what you want to remember. Reading something aloud can help you remember it better. Research has also shown that when we teach something to others, it gets imprinted in our own brains. So, by teaching others, you can sharpen your memory.

Meditation, Yoga, and Exercise

Mental Fitness

Yoga and meditation help keep the mind stable and reduce stress. This allows your mind to relax and improves concentration.

Yoga and meditation provide the brain with adequate oxygen and blood flow, directly impacting your memory, making it sharper.

It is crucial to meditate for at least 15 minutes every day.

To boost your brain, you should exercise your mind daily, either in the morning or evening. This keeps both your body and mind fit and healthy.

Meditation makes your mind feel refreshed. Meditation brings you closer to yourself, leading to remarkable changes in your life.

Relax Your Mind To improve memory, it is essential to relax your mind. For this, massage your feet and scalp. Massaging not only provides relief to the body but also invigorates the mind, making it more active.

If you consistently challenge yourself, your mind will become adept at thinking, making your brain active every day. This helps you learn new things and aids in retaining old information.

Visualization, This is one of the most excellent techniques among all the methods. While reading, writing, or listening to something, create a mental image or visualization in your mind. Visualize what is being shown in the books, pictures, charts, and other graphics. The clearer your mental image, the better you will remember it.

Learn Something new everyday. If you want to sharpen your mind, always be ready to learn something new. learn something new in music, learn a new language, or anything that requires you to engage your mind. Continuously strive to learn new things that relate to your career, business, or life – things that will be beneficial to you.

Body Training

The value of a person lies not in their physical attributes but in their intellect and thoughts.

Adequate Sleep Everyone needs 6 to 7 hours of sleep daily. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll feel irritable all day, and your brain won’t function correctly. Lack of sleep affects your ability to remember things because proper sleep sharpens your memory.

Stay Away from Negative People Sometimes, unwanted thoughts keep swirling in your mind, thoughts that your friends may have shared with you. Negative people always talk negatively, and this affects the thoughts of the person listening. They keep thinking about the same things all day long.

So, if you want to stay positive and have positive thoughts, improve your company and stay away from negative people.

This helps in boosting your brain.

Omega-3 fatty acids:


Omega-3 is the most essential food for your brain and heart. You should consume Omega-3 because our bodies do not produce it, and it is very important for our brain.

We require 1.8 grams of omega-3 each day for our heart and brain.

Omega-3 is found in salmon fish, and it is also present in flax-seed. Grind flax-seeds into powder and consume a spoonful of it.

One spoonful contains 1.8 grams of Omega-3, which also reduces stress. Apart from this, foods like berries, dark chocolate, avocado, and broccoli are also good for your brain.

Almonds and Walnuts:

The easiest way to enhance memory is by consuming almonds. For this, soak 5 almonds overnight and eat them in the morning. According to Ayurveda, consuming almonds daily in the morning can make your brain sharper.

If you soak these 5 almonds and peel them in the morning, mix them with 10 grams of butter and honey and eat it continuously for a few days, it will increase your brainpower.

If you eat walnuts, it also improves your memory. Consuming walnuts with raisins is even more beneficial.

Vitamin C and Vitamin E:

A deficiency of Vitamin C affects the body and brain negatively. Vitamin C and Vitamin E improve your memory power. For this, consume oats, green vegetables, sour fruits, and soybean oil.

What to eat to improve memory

  1. Black Plum

Black Plum is rich in nutrients and helps enhance your memory power.

  1. Eggs

Eggs play a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing memory power. They contain Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for your brain.

  1. Spinach

Spinach is considered an excellent food for maintaining memory.

  1. Olive Oil

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat, which increases blood vessel activity and improves your memory.

  1. Pomegranate

Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants, which make your brain sharper. It also protects brain cells from damage. Regular consumption of pomegranate also helps in preventing anemia.

  1. Beetroot

Beetroot consumption improves blood flow in the body, keeps you active, eliminates laziness, and keeps your brain active, enhancing memory power.

  1. Oranges

Oranges are a highly beneficial fruit. Consuming oranges not only sharpens your memory but also helps in curing various other diseases in your body.

To improve memory, you can also consider

Read More: Easy way to control anger>>

Ayurvedic remedies:

  1. Honey

Consuming honey with a pinch of cinnamon powder before bedtime can help reduce mental stress and make your brain sharper.

  1. Holy Basil (Tulsi )

Holy Basil contains various antibiotics and antioxidant properties, making it beneficial for memory enhancement. Consuming Holy Basil helps keep your brain active.

  1. Yogurt ( Curd )

Excessive anger can weaken your brain. To get rid of it, drink milk with saffron before bed. You can also consume yogurt to enhance your brain.

  1. Carrots

During winters, you can consume carrots either by drinking carrot juice or by adding them to your salad.

  1. Saffron (Kesar)

Saffron enhances the taste of food and color. It is also beneficial for your brain. It not only improves taste but also keeps your brain energetic.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric is an excellent medicine for your brain. It is not only good for taste and color but also keeps your brain healthy. Regular consumption of turmeric prevents Alzheimer’s disease and repairs damaged brain cells.

  1. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds contain a good amount of magnesium, which activates nerve cells. They help reduce stress and depression.

Yoga and Asanas to Enhance Memory Power

  1. Anulom-Vilom Pranayama
  2. Bhramari Pranayama
  3. Bhastrika Pranayama
  4. Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
  5. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
  6. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
  7. Shirshasana (Headstand)


My friends if you want to achieve something in your life, We need strong memory power, and today we have learned some techniques form this article how you can increase your memory power.

Although as we age, our memory tends to weaken, some children and adults may face difficulty in remembering things. Therefore, first and foremost, you need to focus on yourself, work on yourself, and adopt good habits.

These remedies will help boost your memory power. If you implement these tips and start working on yourself, you can increase your memory power quickly.

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Is it possible to increase memory power?

Study says, yes possible you can follow the tips to increase your memory power.

Does better memory make you happier?

People of positive memories happier than others.They experience a greater enjoyment in their life

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