How to Handle a Breakup ~ According to an Expert

How to Handle a Breakup ~ According to an Expert

Breaking up and moving on – How to handle a breakup?

Today’s topic is quite emotional because we will talk about what to do after a breakup. Breakups can be painful, and it is natural to feel a sense of loss and difficulty concentrating on daily tasks.

Because in relationships, we invest time and emotions.

For many days, weeks, and nights, we struggle with this breakup, and its impact is felt on our daily activities.

So today, let’s share some things that can help you handle a breakup.

“We cannot be together anymore” – this one line has broken countless hearts. Heartbreak, the definition of which was different in childhood, changes as we grow older. In childhood, it could be not finding a desired toy – that’s a heartbreak.

But as we grow older, experience love, and then face a breakup, we realize what real heartbreak feels like. It’s true that recovering from the pain of a breakup is challenging.

Friends often say that the person wasn’t worthy of you, there will be someone better for you, what happened is for the best. But no matter what they say, the pain doesn’t easily fade away!

The pain could be due to attachment, loneliness, memories, or even ego – questioning how someone could leave or say no to us.

However, when we experience pain, we engage in different activities. Some share sad stories on Facebook or WhatsApp, while others do various things.

But if your relationship was toxic, where you were not valued, then it’s necessary to move forward after such a breakup.

How to Handle a Breakup ~ According to an Expert

What should you do to handle a breakup?

Give yourself time:

Just as you invested time in building a relationship, it is natural that it will take time to heal. Thinking that you will forget everything quickly is not realistic. So, take the time to lighten your mind and heart.

You can read a book, write something, listen to music – anything that helps you release your feelings.


Makeover doesn’t necessarily mean spending money on shopping; it’s about making changes in your looks, grooming, and routine. Whether it’s a new haircut, a different look, or focusing on fitness – work on changing yourself. Instead of dwelling on old things, focus on improving yourself. This helps in initiating new thoughts and gradually overcoming the breakup.

Stop stalking on social media – don’t stalk her/him on social media:

It’s crucial to cut off all connections with your ex on social media. Delete or block them from every platform, remove old pictures from your phone, and upload new ones. Avoid stalking their profile. Keeping any contact will only pull you back. Stay away from all connections that remind you of your breakup.

Build new connections:

Building new connections is crucial for mental recovery. Instead of sitting at home and dwelling on old memories, go out, meet new people, make new friends. This will make you feel much better.

See, a breakup is a challenging time, but it’s not necessary to take a lot of time to recover. It’s in our hands how quickly we overcome this situation and move forward with a lesson learned.

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Understand the reason for being sad after the breakup:

When we are sick, we don’t just cry about being sick; we find out the reason and take medicine to get better. Similarly, after a breakup, instead of just crying, find out the real reason for your pain and work on a solution.

Mostly, the reason is missing the presence of that person, missing someone who listened and understood you. It doesn’t mean you need that person; you need people who can listen and understand you. So, make a list of things you liked or disliked about your partner. What do you miss about them? What you didn’t need but found in that person.

By doing this, you will discover the real cause of your pain.

How to Handle a Breakup ~ According to an Expert


It’s not that a breakup has happened, and now you have to be sad. There must be a reason; there must be a gap. Until you find that gap, how will you fill it?

But you keep trying to handle the breakup without understanding the real cause.

It might be that you miss that person’s laughter, so what’s the problem with that? If other things were not needed, find a solution for that. The majority of the time, the reason is that we miss the presence of that person. We have an emotional need for someone who listens and understands us. If you want, there are many people around us who can fulfill this role – in our family, among friends, or even someone who has always been there for you.

So, don’t just cry after a breakup; understand the real cause and work towards a solution. Without understanding the real reason, you will keep trying to handle the breakup by just crying.

Handle Breakup with a Positive Mindset :

Handle your breakup in a positive way by creating a mindset that whatever happens, happens for the best. I can say this based on my personal experience as well.

During that time, we feel nothing but pain, and it seems like something terrible has happened to us. It shouldn’t have happened this way, but my friend, it’s not like that!

The person you are so heartbroken to lose today, you will realize after some time how much you didn’t need them. What you’re going through is just a phase, and soon you’ll discover how necessary that person really was.

The time you used to devote to your partner, redirect that time towards yourself. Focus on improving yourself, put effort into making yourself better, and instill the spirit to achieve something significant in your life.

Whenever thoughts of your ex cross your mind, instead of being sad, use that as fuel to push yourself a little extra towards achieving something big.

Work for your parents, think about them, progress in life, and when you are happy, working, successful, and taking care of yourself, you will attract a good partner. 😊

Embrace your happy feelings and plan for the life beyond the breakup.

So, my friends, I hope you now know how to move on from a breakup and understand that it is not crucial in your life.

Thank you!!


What is the hardest stage of a breakup?

Depression stage. Most of the people do not know how to pass it.

How long do breakup feelings last?

Studies say people start  feeling better 3 weeks to 6 month post-breakup.

Who hurts more in a breakup?

The person who connected emotionally than others.

Who gets over a breakup faster?

Apply No Contact Rule. See how to apply No Contact Rule>>

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