How to get back your ex-partner after a breakup

How to get back your ex-partner after a breakup

Relationships are delicate and precious, whether it’s the relationship between a mother and son, father and daughter, friendship, or even a romantic relationship. It’s true that every relationship encounters disagreements and conflicts, and how we handle them is crucial. So, let’s talk about how to win back an ex-partner.

In life, many people will come and go. Whoever has to leave will eventually leave; that’s the harsh reality. However, today we’ll discuss how to regain your boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s affection after a breakup without begging or appearing desperate.

How to Win Back an Ex-Partner

No Contact Rule:

No Contact Rule

After a breakup, experiencing pain and sorrow is inevitable. Both you and your ex-partner feel it, and it’s essential to show that it doesn’t affect you significantly.

The one who is affected more loses. You need to demonstrate that your life remains unchanged and that you are happy. Don’t portray yourself as a heartbroken person.

Implementing the ‘No Contact Rule’ is crucial. We’ve detailed when and how to follow this rule in “How to Apply the No Contact Rule.”

Read this too: How to apply No Contact Rule in Perfect Way?>>

What Not to Do:

Constant Messaging:

Constant Messaging

The biggest mistake you make is continuously messaging her, apologizing, begging, and appearing desperate. Boing this will lower your value in her eyes, and forget about her coming back.

If you’ve had a fight, and she’s not responding to any of your messages or calls, and you start going crazy, becoming desperate, you’ll fail. All your efforts will be in vain.

If she’s enjoying the fact that someone loves her madly, and you become desperate, apologize repeatedly, and make promises, she won’t listen. At that moment, no matter what you do or say, it won’t have any effect on her.

This is because during a fight, she’s angry, and only negative thoughts about you occupy her mind. At that time, no matter what you do, even if you shoot yourself in front of her, it won’t make any difference.

What to Do?

Good relationship

You need to remain calm, no matter how much you may be hurting at that time. However, you shouldn’t engage in any of the activities mentioned above under any circumstances.

Example 1:

Let’s say there’s a fight, and it’s your fault. The girl, in her anger, says she doesn’t want to talk anymore. In this situation, send her a message apologizing and accept your mistake. Tell her that you respect her decision, saying, ‘I accept your decision, and I respect her.’ After that, do not send her any more messages or calls.

This way, she’ll perceive you as mature and not desperate. However, don’t confine yourself to your home, listening to sad songs, constantly checking her social media profiles, and crying over memories. Don’t do any of that. Get out, spend time with friends, be happy, go to the gym, change yourself. Remember, change is the rule of life; you need to change yourself.

Example 2:

She should feel that you’re very happy, and for your happiness, you don’t need anyone. You are not needy, and her leaving doesn’t affect you. You have transformed. If you portray yourself as needy, you’ll lose respect in her eyes.

However, ensure not to behave poorly towards her. Do not say anything negative. This requires time, and there’s no specific duration. Patience and perseverance are essential.


Your actions post-breakup depend on the reasons for the breakup and whether you can get your ex-partner back. Every relationship is different, and whether or not they come back into your life depends on various factors.

If you have any questions related to the topic “How to Win Back an Ex-Partner,” you can contact us directly. We will make sure to answer your questions.

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