How to apply No Contact Rule in Perfect Way?

How to apply No Contact Rule in Perfect Way

No Contact Rule:

You must have heard from many people that when there is a fight or breakup with a girlfriend, you should not contact her. However, they don’t fully explain when to apply this rule, where to apply it, and where not to.

Today, let’s discuss in detail when, where, how, and for how long to follow the no contact rule.

Firstly, let’s talk about what it is.

What is the No Contact Rule?

In every relationship, there are fights, but sometimes situations turn into a breakup, and the pain at that time makes it difficult for the mind to function, and the person starts behaving erratically.

But instead of doing something irrational during that time, like not contacting the girlfriend or boyfriend, it is better to give some time. Healing wounds takes time. So, that’s why this rule should be followed.

Before applying the no contact rule, understand some things:

Your friend advises you to stop contacting your girlfriend or boyfriend after a breakup, and you start following this rule without knowing or understanding anything about your relationship because you know your relationship better than anyone else.

So, before following this rule, you should understand a few things, or else it won’t be beneficial. Just like one rule in math doesn’t work everywhere, similarly, this rule doesn’t work in every relationship.


First, you need to see how strong the bond was between you two. How was the intimacy, not just physical but emotional? How emotionally connected were you two? How well did you understand each other, how much love was there, what was the value system of the relationship, what was the goal of the relationship – all these things matter.

So, if there was no such bond, if the relationship was just about fighting and not building anything, if there was no quality time spent together, then applying this rule won’t work.

Duration of the Relationship:

Some people say their relationship lasted for one or two months, and they think the no contact rule will work. Well, deep connections and mutual understanding take time. If your relationship was only for a short period, and you didn’t connect emotionally, then this rule might not be effective.

On the other hand, if your relationship lasted for several years, you must have built some emotional connection during that time. So, the effectiveness of this rule depends on how well you two knew each other.

How long should you follow the no contact rule?

How to apply No Contact Rule in Perfect Way?

If you set a specific time to follow the no contact rule, it’s not right. You need to feel the right time. If your relationship was new and short, the rule doesn’t need to be too long. For longer relationships, it’s recommended to stay in no contact for at least 3 to 6 weeks.

It’s not easy to stay without contacting someone for that long, so it’s quite impactful. When you reconnect, be mindful of your feelings and communicate with positive energy. Avoid expressing how much you missed or cried for them; it might make you seem needy and desperate.

Read more : How to Handle a Breakup ~ According to an Expert>>

Does the no contact rule work in a long-distance relationship?

Yes, the no contact rule works in a long-distance relationship too, but you need to be patient. Mistakes made in a short-distance breakup are often avoided in a long-distance breakup. If you’ve sent too many messages, apologized repeatedly, and appeared desperate, it’s okay.

However, it’s crucial to have spent quality time together before initiating the no contact rule.

During a fight, your partner is angry, and they don’t want to listen. At that time, they only have negative thoughts about you. Give them some time. After a while, the negative thoughts fade, and good memories start surfacing. Then your partner starts missing the quality time spent together.

In the no-contact period, avoid overthinking about your partner and focus on improving yourself. Work on your bad habits. Don’t let negative thoughts take over.

Benefits of the No Contact Rule:

If you follow this rule correctly, you can experience several benefits:

  1. Strengthens you to endure the pain of a breakup.
  2. Boosts your self-confidence.
  3. Helps in controlling your emotions and thinking positively.

Rebuilding a relationship is good, but it should involve mutual respect. If a relationship lacks respect and keeps causing pain, it’s better to leave it. Such relationships harm your self-esteem.

Breaking a relationship can be difficult, but it’s necessary for your mental well-being. The no-contact rule helps you gain control over your emotions, gradually leading you towards a stronger and more confident self.

The “No Contact Rule” helps in increasing willpower. When you are in a relationship, spending time with your partner, it becomes challenging to imagine life without them. During a breakup, you may repeatedly apologize through messages or calls, feeling emotionally overwhelmed. Implementing the no contact rule involves making a commitment to refrain from any contact. This strengthens your willpower significantly, aiding not only in coping with the breakup but also in achieving success in life.

How to apply No Contact Rule in Perfect Way?

The rule is beneficial for your partner’s healing process. After a breakup, emotions are high, and constant communication can exacerbate the pain. By applying the no contact rule, you give your partner the space to process their emotions and heal. It allows them to calm down, reflect on the positive aspects of the relationship, and realize your value.

The rule assists in enhancing self-worth and self-respect. In a relationship, it’s natural to adapt to the expectations of your partner. However, sometimes, this may lead to compromising your values. During the no contact period, you can reflect on these aspects and make decisions that align with your true self.

Implementing the no contact rule helps you move forward in life. Until you emotionally detach from a past relationship, it’s challenging to embrace new opportunities. By following the rule, you free yourself from the emotional baggage, enabling you to initiate new beginnings.

The rule emphasizes the importance of clear self-awareness. After a breakup, you face two choices: either reconcile with your ex or move forward in life. It’s crucial not to dwell in uncertainty but to focus on your goals. By refraining from contact, you can objectively evaluate your desires and make decisions that align with your personal growth.

The no contact rule also highlights the significance of relationships. During the period of no contact, you experience a shift in your mindset. You start recognizing whether you were genuinely happy in the relationship and whether separation brings peace and happiness.

As for the duration of the no contact rule, it varies for each individual. Once you have diligently followed the rule and taken the necessary steps for personal growth, assess whether your partner reciprocates positive feelings. If your partner still exhibits controlling behavior and shows no willingness to change, it’s time to move forward in life. Ultimately, the rule serves as a transformative tool, enabling you to become a better person and live a fulfilling life.


How do you use the no contact rule effectively?

Start taking self-care and Work on yourself. you can go to gym center, stay busy with your job .

How long should the no contact rule apply?

Recommended to stay in no contact for at least 3 to 6 weeks.

I hope this article was helpful to you. Thank You!!

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