First Date Tips ~ According to an Expert

First Date Tips ~ According to an Expert

What is a Date?

Everyone is excited about their first date, whether it’s a couple heading towards marriage or a girlfriend and boyfriend. They make a lot of preparations, such as wearing new dresses, getting a new bag, and buying new shoes and sandals. However, even after making excessive preparations, the first date often doesn’t turn out as memorable as expected. People wonder why, despite all the efforts, their date couldn’t become special. Today, we will share some first date tips with you to make your first date memorable.

What to Do on the First Date:

In today’s time, going on a date is common, but the first date is always special and can make you a bit nervous. There’s often a fear associated with the first date – how will it go, what will we talk about, where should we go, will our date partner be impressed, and if not, could the first date be the last? These concerns are natural.

Going on the first date is not an easy thing. If the thoughts don’t align, what will happen? This uncertainty lingers in the mind. It’s not easy to impress someone because you don’t know much about them, and you may not know their likes and dislikes well when you meet someone for the first time. So, you want everything to go well, leading the conversation forward. Here are some tips on what to do and what not to do on your first date to make it better and special.

Tips Before Going on a Date – First Date Tips

What to Wear:

The first impression on a date is often based on your clothes. Choose clothes that make you feel comfortable. You should keep in mind that your attire should be neat, clean, and you should wear a good-scented perfume. Make sure the perfume scent is not too strong.

Where to Go:

The choice of the place for the date is crucial. Choose a place that is calm, has a good atmosphere, and is a bit romantic. The date location should not be too crowded or completely deserted. Keep this in mind.

Bring a Gift:

First Date Tips ~ According to an Expert


If it’s the first date, and you don’t know much about the other person, the biggest question is what gift to bring. Flowers, chocolates, and a good-smelling perfume are common and simple gifts that you can give on the first date.

Read More: Difference Between Love and Attraction>>

What to Do on the Date

Arrive on Time:

The first step in impressing anyone is to arrive on time. If you are late for your first date, and your partner is waiting, your first date can turn out to be the last. Late arrival can spoil the entire date. So, make sure to arrive on time.

First Impression:

The first date requires a good first impression. Attend the date with confidence. Keep your behavior calm and natural so that the other person is impressed, and your conversation continues to the second date.

Don’t Feel Shy:

Shyness is not a bad thing, but during such times when you are on your first date, being shy is not good. If you feel shy, you may not be able to talk openly, share things about yourself, or get to know the other person well. This gives the impression that you are not confident, which can create a negative impact. A confident person is the most attractive.

How to Talk:

Many times, nervousness takes over on the first date, and it’s hard to figure out what to say. Apart from looks and other things, a person pays the most attention to how you talk. Relax, start with normal conversations, make your conversation good and interesting, and impress your partner. Remember to give your partner a chance to speak too.

Make Your Partner Feel Comfortable:

In a new place and a new environment, meeting new people can be intimidating. Most people don’t open up quickly to new people, so you need to make sure that your partner feels comfortable. Be friendly and have a heart-to-heart talk with them.

Make Your Partner Feel Comfortable


Do not make the atmosphere serious during the date; always keep it light-hearted. While joking, be mindful not to say anything that might hurt the other person. Additionally, avoid discussing past relationships on the date. Instead, talk about what you want to do in the future, what expectations you have from your partner. This can give both of you an opportunity to get to know each other well and can be a good start for your relationship.

Avoid Physical Contact:

On the first date, never initiate physical contact with your partner. Doing so might make your partner feel uncomfortable, and it can have a significantly negative impact on your relationship. Avoid discussing this topic altogether, as such discussions could potentially lead to your partner getting upset and leaving the date midway, which might result in strain in your relationship.

Avoid Consumption of Intoxicating Substances:

On the first date, neither should you indulge in the consumption of intoxicating substances nor should you inquire about it from your partner. Engaging in such activities can have the most adverse effect on your image in the eyes of your partner. As a result, the first day of your date could be your last, and dealing with the fallout of your partner’s dissatisfaction might become challenging.

Compliment Your Partner:

Hearing compliments is appreciated by everyone, so give compliments to your partner to make them feel special. Pamper them a little. This will likely impress your partner, and your date will go well.

During the Meal:

First Date Tips ~ According to an Expert

Keep the conversation going during the meal. Ask about your partner’s likes and dislikes, but don’t talk too much. Let your partner eat as well, and refrain from constantly watching them eat, as this can make your partner feel uneasy.

Avoid Unnecessary Talks:

Share only as much information on the first date as necessary. Don’t become an open book, and avoid discussing trivial matters as this could negatively impact your impression, affecting your date.

Don’t Propose:

The first date does not mean that the other person has become your girlfriend or boyfriend. The first date is merely an opportunity to get to know each other and make an impression. Remember, never propose on the first date. The first date is meant for getting to know each other, understanding each other’s nature.


So, My friend, today you learned how to make your first date successful and memorable by adopting these first date tips. If your first date is successful, you can express your love on the second or third date. Observe your partner during the date to understand what they like or dislike.

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What should I talk in first date?

You hould talk about you reguler life, How its going, also can talk about your future plan.

Should you hug on a first date?

You can hug lightly, show your respect to each other.

Should I text after first date?

You can ask about how your firat date was and also can ask about reguler life,

What not to ask on a first date?

You should not ask about the past.

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