10 Signs to Know If Someone Likes Us More Than a Friend

10 Signs to Know If Someone Likes Us More Than a Friend

Today we will talk about the 10 Signs to Know If Someone Likes Us More Than a Friend. Do you feel confused about whether someone likes you or not, whether they are interested in you or not? Sometimes you feel that yes, there is interest in you, but at other times, doubts arise.

Often, there is someone in our life who likes us a lot, but they are afraid to express it. This person could be someone from your college or someone you work with in your office.

Let’s find out how to know if someone likes you more than a friend. Here are some signs that can help you understand if the person is genuinely interested in you.

They Ask You a Lot of Questions:

Someone who is more than just a friend will ask you a lot of questions. They want to know everything about you, such as your likes, dislikes, favorite foods, places you enjoy visiting, and even details about your childhood. They are genuinely interested in getting to know you.

They Ask About Your Future Goals:

source: pexels.com

They inquire about your future goals and want to know what makes you happy or sad. They are curious to understand what brings joy to your life and what causes you distress. This shows that they care about your well-being and future.

They Remember Details About You:

Someone who likes you will remember small details about you. They will remember your favorite foods, drinks, and other preferences. This indicates that they pay attention to what you say and make an effort to remember things that are important to you.

They Ask About Your Relationship Status:

They may directly ask about your relationship status or indirectly inquire about your family and who lives with you. This is because they want to understand if you are currently in a relationship and if there is a chance for them.

These signs can help you gauge whether someone likes you more than just a friend. Pay attention to their actions and the interest they show in your life. If they genuinely care about you and make an effort to know you better, it’s likely that they have deeper feelings for you.

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They will find reasons to talk to you or meet you:

A person who likes you more than a friend will always find reasons to talk to you or spend time with you.

They will call or message you for small things, things that they could have asked someone else but they will make an effort to stay in contact with you.

And yes, they will initiate the call or message, they won’t wait for you to call or message them because hearing your voice will make them happy and feel good.

They will try to touch you:

Yes, a person who likes you will try to touch you, not inappropriately, though. Like casually touching your hand or placing their hand on your shoulder.

Just a light touch. Because often when we like someone, we feel the urge to touch them.

Like how a cute little child looks adorable and sweet, our heart wants to hold them, pull their cheeks. Similarly, when someone likes you, they feel like making a little contact with you.

They will treat you exceptionally well:

They will engage in better conversation with you, appreciate you, and take note of things about you. Such as liking your new hairstyle, saying your new dress looks good, or that a new shirt suits you.

Because a person who likes you wants to see you smile, wants you to be happy with them. Good things about you will stay in their heart, and they will speak well of you. They will even laugh at your not-so-funny jokes because they want to see you happy.

Eye contact:

Eye contact
source: pexels.com

Making eye contact shows confidence and increases trust and interest between two people.

Whenever we like something, we want to stay with it for a long time to keep looking at it.

The same thing happens when someone likes us. So when someone makes prolonged eye contact, it becomes clear that they like you.

Sharing secrets:

Sharing secrets

If a person is sharing their secrets with you, secrets that they feel unsafe telling others, personal things that they usually wouldn’t share, it’s a sign.

They want you to know those things, to know about their past. So if someone is doing this, then yes! They like you.

They will feel jealous:

Hearing something bad about the person you like is never a good feeling. Whenever you talk about your crush or a close friend, they change the subject or find an excuse to leave the conversation.

Why? Because they are jealous. They want you to see them just the way they see you.

source: pexels.com

Imaginary romance:

The person who likes you will talk about romantic things between you two jokingly. Like saying, ‘Wouldn’t it be weird if we started dating?’

Sometimes, people use humor to express real feelings. They pretend that they are joking, but they are actually telling you about their hidden feelings.

So pay attention to these imaginary conversations. If someone you know is talking about being in a relationship with you, they are probably wishing for it.

Deep insight:

Sometimes, you are 100% sure that someone likes you but you don’t know why. You don’t have concrete evidence; still, you know that they have feelings for you.

You cannot identify precise signals or reasons. You don’t know what signs to look for.

Although you can’t identify subtle signs, you can pay attention to all kinds of physical and emotional signals. So have confidence in yourself and listen to your intuition.

If you feel that someone likes you, you might be right.

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