9 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Love You

9 Signs Your Partner Doesn't Love You

Signs that indicate your partner doesn’t love you. If you are doubtful about whether your partner genuinely loves you or is just passing the time, this article discusses the topic. It provides some signs that your boyfriend is just passing time with you, and you should move forward.

Friendships are woven with threads of love and trust, which are extremely fragile. Whether the relationship is between husband and wife or lovers, love and trust become even more crucial.

Because a relationship stays strong as long as it is filled with love, emotions, loyalty, and respect. However, nowadays, most relationships start facing troubles after some time, and people find it challenging to understand them easily. By the time they understand, it’s often too late.

9 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Love You

Can’t marry:

Friends, this is a straightforward sign that many people tend to overlook. If your partner has clearly stated that he cannot marry you, then he is just passing time, and nothing more.

You might keep thinking that something might change or his mind might change, but no! If he has said that he won’t marry you, then it’s just a waste of time, and you should move on as soon as possible.

What’s the point of dragging something that has no future, a relationship that cannot be complete? So, it’s better to step out of such relationships as soon as possible.

Won’t initiate contact:

source: pexels.com

Another sign is that people who are passing time with you won’t initiate contact. They won’t send you messages or make calls first, and they won’t make any plans to meet you. You have to do everything.

Initially, some people might not be comfortable, so they might not initiate contact, but after spending some time, if they genuinely care about you, they will start calling you, messaging you, and making plans to meet you.

However, if someone is not doing that, then it’s clear that you are not special to them. They don’t care whether you are there or not. Staying in such a relationship will only bring you pain and nothing else.

Only talks for a purpose:

Okay, he might contact you sometimes, but only when he needs something. Either he needs something from you, wants you to find something for him, or needs some kind of help. Or he’s bored and needs someone to pass the time with.

He talks to you only when there’s a need or when he’s bored, and people who genuinely care about you don’t think only about themselves. They think about what you need, what you like, and what makes you happy.

A relationship built on selfishness is just a waste of time because someone who is genuinely interested will consider your needs and preferences.

If you still doubt that maybe he doesn’t do it for some reason, you can ask him once to initiate contact. If he still doesn’t, then accept that he’s not interested in you.

Not a priority:

Not a priority
source: pexels.com

In a meaningful relationship, you are a priority. Someone who genuinely cares about you thinks about your happiness, likes, and dislikes. However, someone who is just passing time won’t think about these things.

They won’t consider what you need or what you like. A person who is genuinely in love wants the other person to feel good and special. However, a selfish person won’t think about these things.

A relationship that is just for convenience is just a waste of time. So, accept that he’s not interested in you.

I know it will be difficult, but staying in such a time-pass relationship will only bring you pain and nothing else. It’s better to step out of such relationships as soon as possible.

These are clear signs that your partner is just passing time, and it’s better to move on. Don’t pull this thing longer than it needs to be, because the longer you pull it, the more pain and suffering you will experience, and you will miss out on people who might be able to fulfill your needs.

I understand it will be very difficult, but staying in such time-pass relationships will only bring you pain. Leaving such relationships will be better for you.

Also Read: Difference Between Love and Attraction>>

He doesn’t have time for you; he doesn’t value you. He doesn’t give you a special place in his life that a partner should.

Everything and everyone else seem more important to him than you. If you find yourself at the bottom of his list, it’s a significant sign that he’s just passing time with you and has no real interest in you.

If your relationship has been going on for a considerable amount of time, and he still doesn’t prioritize you, it’s a clear indication that you should consider moving on as soon as possible.

He creates or is creating distance between you:

source: pexels.com

When you call him, he claims to be busy, portraying himself as too occupied to talk. He doesn’t share things with you, and he doesn’t open up about his daily life.

Now, why would he do that? Either he has lost interest in you, or he has found someone else who he finds more interesting and gives more importance to. However, it could also be that he is going through stress or tension, so it’s crucial to first understand the situation properly before making any decisions.

Whatever you do, he gets upset:

source: pexels.com

Yes, whether you do something good or bad, he gets upset. He consistently complains, expresses anger, and no matter what you do, he remains irritated. This constant negativity is a clear sign that he doesn’t like you, and you can consider ending such a relationship as soon as possible.

When a person doesn’t show any interest or appreciation, avoids surprises, or fails to share details about his daily routine, it’s a clear indication that he is just using your time to pass the days.


He never gives you attention, surprises you, or does anything special, be it on your birthday or Valentine’s Day. If there’s no effort in making your relationship special, take it as a sign that he’s just using you for time pass.

If you’re in college, he doesn’t go out with you, ignores you on any occasion, and seems completely indifferent. In such cases, it’s necessary to realize that you don’t need him, and it’s better to move on.

Constant Quarrels:

Fights and arguments, if occasional, can strengthen a relationship, but if your partner constantly fights with you over trivial matters and doesn’t apologize properly when you’re hurt, it’s a clear sign that he doesn’t love you, and there’s no place for you in his heart.

Avoids Discussing the Future:

If your partner avoids talking about the future, whether it’s about marriage, having children, or living together, and keeps dodging these discussions repeatedly, it’s a significant sign that he doesn’t want to be with you in the future. Don’t ignore this and consider it seriously.

Compares You with Others:

Your partner will never compare you with someone else. He knows that doing so would hurt you and damage your relationship.

But if your partner compares you with someone else, such as praising another person’s dressing sense and suggesting you should dress like them or pointing out your shortcomings, it could mean that he is more interested in someone else, and his attention is elsewhere.

These signs indicate that your partner is not genuinely in love with you, and you should consider moving on from such a relationship.


In conclusion, paying attention to these signs can help you understand whether your partner truly loves and cares for you or is just using you for his convenience. If your partner exhibits these signs, it might be time to move on. Believe me, there are plenty of people out there who will genuinely love you, care for you, and make an effort to keep you happy.

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